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rc bearings

rc bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2012-07-17 09:52:11

                                              Rc Bearings


            SANBURG BEARING Company have been an industry leader in RC Helicopter bearing replacement since 1987. Reducing rolling resistance and conserving energy has been our hallmark. We offer a full line of standard & ceramic hybrid bearings specifically designed for today's demanding RC Helicopters. Various ABEC tolerances, radial plays, retainer styles and seal/shield configurations are available. To make things easier for you we have compiled bearing kits and listed them according to the RC Heli manufacturer and model.


             Clean ball bearings will make your car run faster and longer. The cleaner the bearings, the smoother the transmission, the faster the rc car.


              The one-way bearing (or freewheeling unit as it is more commonly known in full size aviation) is the central bearing in the main gear assembly, that allows the main gear (and the tail drive gear / pulley) to spin freely in the event of the engine or motor stopping. When under power, the one-way bearing locks the gear and shaft together so they spin as one. This allows the main rotor to spin freely during autorotation while still driving the tail rotor so tail control authority is maintained throughout the auto.

               Ball bearings differ greatly in life span and quality, and in a sport when every little advantage determines who ends up in the winner’s circle, you cannot afford to compromise. Ball bearings essentially control the speed, ride, and durability of your RC racer. A quality ball bearing maximizes your tire rotation and thus increases your maximum speed. By virtually eliminating any friction in the tire rotation, a high quality ball bearing helps gli...

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